Tuesday, April 24, 2007

MySpace Launches Spanish Site

MySpace is attempting to broaden its reach and appeal with the beta launch of MySpace en Español, a new Spanish-language version for U.S. based Hispanics. They are also launching a new regional site in Spanish for Latin American residents and have plans for localized communities in Mexico and Brazil.

We're moving rapidly to build communities that reflect and respect the lifestyles of our diverse members," said Travis Katz, Senior Vice President and General Manager of MySpace International.

"MySpace en Español opens the community even wider, giving our Hispanic members the choice to share their experiences, connect with family members, and plan their social lives in either Spanish or English. We look forward to getting their feedback as we build out these new cultural communities."

The MySpace en Espanol site will feature content, programming, artists and users in the U.S. Hispanic MySpace population, along with a Spanish language version of the MySpace IM client.

MySpace will be working with local teams to create programming and partnerships for its beta launch of MySpace Latinoamérica . In addition, MySpace has plans to launch a Brazilian site this summer and will officially launch the beta version of MySpace Mexico in the coming months.

MySpace is visited by 43 percent of all U.S.- based Hispanic Internet users and the site is the top 5 most visited sites by the Hispanic online population, according to Nielsen//Netratings.


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