Friday, May 18, 2007

YouTube, CNN To Sponsor Democratic Debates

Lawsuit magnet YouTube is partnering with CNN to be a co-sponsor for the first of six Democratic Party debates for the 2008 race.

YouTube has become increasingly active in the political realm as of late. Last month they launched
Citizen Tube, designed to attract people to express their views on political topics.

In addition they also launched
YouChoose, a presidential channel focused on the major presidential candidates.

"The idea of using the technology of YouTube and marrying it with traditional television could be really interesting" such as giving viewers new ways to comment on the debate and follow-up and ask questions of the candidates, said Bob Boorstin, director of policy communications for Google in Washington, D.C.
It could be interesting or it could be a total failure. By the time the serious meat of the 2008 election rolls around people may be so burned out from hearing the candidates say the same thing over and over that it could easily become meaningless.

Google and CNN are also working with the GOP candidates to plan a similar debate. The DNC is active in organizing debates for its candidates, while the Republican National Committee is not organizing debates for its candidates.


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