Sunday, August 12, 2007

MySpace Page Educating People About Prescription Drug Addiction

According to the Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc. press release, Addiction411 has started a new MySpace page to educate people all around the world regarding Opioid addiction.

For those who do not know what Opioid addiction is, let me educate you. Opioid addiction is the addiction to prescribed pain killers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, heroine, and methadone. An estimated number of 6 million Americans of all ages will misuse or become addicted to prescribed pain killers at one point in time of their life. Opioid addiction has increased so drastically over the past few years that the National Institute for Drug Abuse now considers Opioid dependence as a chronic brain disease.

With all of the new information and statistics coming about regarding Opioid dependency, Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals has become the first company to become partners with MySpace and offer people from around the world important information regarding Opioid addiction. The MySpace page which is located at MySpace.Com/Addiction411 has much needed information for anyone who is interested in educating themselves regarding the dangers of Opioid addiction.

The Addiction411 page at MySpace offers an interactive online addiction questionnaire. A doctor locater in your area to help with the Opioid addiction. Information regarding how prescription drug use can lead to addiction, as well as information regarding the dangers and the red flags you should look for if someone you love or care for is misusing prescriptions drugs. Unfortunately those who are misusing prescription drugs do not realize it until it is so bad that they are embarrassed to even mention it or get help. With the Addiction411 MySpace page, abusers can help find the resources they need to get their life back without announcing to everyone around them that they have an addiction.

Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is a specialty pharmaceutical company that makes Suboxone, a drug that treats Opioid dependency in a medical based setting. Suboxone and Subutex, also made by Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc., are the only two drugs approved by the FDA to be used in treating Opioid dependency inside a medical facility. To learn more about these two drugs, please visit

For all other information regarding Opioid dependency and what you can do if you know someone or if you are that someone who needs help. Please visit the website and order your free information kit regarding Opioid dependency and it's dangers.

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